Greetings from your community’s most trusted service company – Royal Oak Heating, Cooling & Electrical! We provide exceptional HVAC and electrical services in Rochester Hills, MI, Birmingham, MI, Troy, MI, Madison Heights, MI, Royal Oak, MI & Clawson, MI. Today, let’s break away from technicalities of our services and take you through a typical day in one of our employee’s life.

Morning Routine and Starting the Day

The day usually begins bright and early at the depot, where our team gathers to review the day’s schedule and prepare for electrical repairs, HVAC services, and furnace replacements. As we sip steaming cups of coffee, we update each other about ongoing projects and go over any last-minute changes. After loading up our service vehicles with the necessary tools and equipment, we hit the road and head to our various project locations.

Electrical Repair and Service Calls

Depending on the day, our electricians might start off with an early morning call for electrical repair. From replacing fuses to rewiring entire buildings, the variety of tasks is always captivating. Our technicians efficiently diagnose and repair the issues, ensuring customer satisfaction and system safety.

Furnace Replacement Jobs

As the day progresses, some team members might head a furnace replacement job. This task involves removing the old furnace safely and then installing the new one properly to ensure it operates at maximum efficiency. Each member upholds the company’s commitment to quality and reliable workmanship in every task they undertake.

HVAC Service Calls

In the afternoon, HVAC service calls are often on the agenda. Maintaining a comfortable indoor environment is crucial and that’s what our HVAC experts specialize in. They thoroughly inspect and service HVAC systems to keep them running at peak performance.

Evening Wrap-Up and Looking Ahead

As day turns into evening, the team wraps up on-site work, returns to the depot, and replenishes supplies for the following day. We then have a brief meeting to discuss feedback we may have received during the day and share our experiences, which helps us improve and grow.

And that’s a typical day at Royal Oak Heating, Cooling & Electrical, where we’re always ready and eager to provide the best HVAC and electrical services to our community! We always look forward to serving you!