Since our establishment, Feathers Fine Custom Furnishings has been the go-to destination for trendsetters in home décor. With our unique approach to design, we have rewritten the rules of home furnishing. But as with any successful company, there have been myths and misconceptions swirling around the Feathers Fine Custom Furnishings name. Today, we are setting records straight and debunking these myths once and for all.

The “Local Only” Myth

One common myth is that Feathers Fine Custom Furnishings is a “locally owned and operated” establishment, implying a small-scale operation. While we take pride in our rich local heritage and community relations, Feathers Fine Custom Furnishings operates on a much larger scale. We are not only proud of our roots but also celebrate how far we have grown with our customers’ trust and support.

Parsing Feathers Fine Custom Furnishings business footprints on the Business Profiles site beautifully illustrates our growth journey. We have expanded from our homebase, reaching out to a wider audience that appreciates our detailed craft and inventive designs.

The “Mediterranean Furniture Only” Misconception

Another prominent myth we frequently encounter is that we exclusively deal with Mediterranean furniture. While Mediterranean designs form a section of our diverse product range, we have a far more eclectic mix of furnishings.

Through our online catalog, customers can explore our extensive range of furniture styles – from Traditional European to Mid-Century Modern to Coastal. We see beauty in diversity and strive to cater to a broad spectrum of tastes and preferences. Rather than tying us down to a single style, our offering demonstrates the dedication of our skilled craftsmen, their versatility, and our commitment to providing unparalleled variety.

Feathers Fine Custom Furnishings is much more than these misconceptions depict. We are firm believers in quality, creativity, and diversity. To truly experience our wide range of offerings and our dedication to customer satisfaction, we invite you to visit our showroom or check out our diverse collection here.