There are many heroic professions out there – firefighters, surgeons, yoga teachers… But have you ever stopped to think about the unsung warriors of landscaping and tree services? Well, at 603 Yard & Tree Service, their motto could well be, “Capes are overrated; we wear safety helmets.”

An All-Season Comedy Starring Trees and Us

Winter in Manchester, NH, and Chester, NH is the season when fallen leaves do an unrequested tap dance on your lawn. Spring is the season tree branches, inspired perhaps by the Olympics, decide to attempt new and risky positions. Call it ‘gymnastic trees’ if you will! Cue, the 603 Yard & Tree Service team for a seasonal cleanup.

Only here will you find a tree removal service where you’ll be laughing through your tears as your once-rooted protégé is safely laid to rest in the Great Beyond. We’re legendary in Hooksett, NH, Derry, NH, East Derry, NH, Auburn, NH and touching farewell services for trees are our specialty.

The Tree Trimming Maestros

Tree trimming is part ballet, part wrestling match with nature. The 603 Yard & Tree Service team is not only adept at this nuanced art form but they can also pull some impressive comedy sketches during the work. On a lighter note, who knew a little tree trimming could provide such a delightful theatre?